Private accountant, also called executive or administrative accountant, handle the financial records of a business. 私人会计师,也叫做主管或行政会计师,负责处理公司的财务帐目。总之,这三个词,有很深的渊源关系。
So the public sector and charities, where work is pro bono or modestly paid, have far more women directors than private equity houses, banks, city firms and hedge funds, which are dominated by the "white, male accountant". 因此和那些由“白人男性会计师”占主导地位的私人股本公司、银行、伦敦金融城企业以及对冲基金相比,公共部门和慈善机构拥有更多的女性董事,那里没有报酬或报酬很低。
Private museums in Shanghai Auditing Collusion Government: The Analysis of the Effective Punishment and the Mortgage of Certified Public Accountant ′ s Surplus Wealth 审计合谋治理:来自有效惩罚及其注册会计师私人财富抵押的分析
European Union is a principal trade partner of China, and France is key members of European Union, the unique private system of industrial and commercial enterprises in France and national cultural environment, have formed the Latin accountant's sane and conservative accounting mode. 欧盟是中国的主要贸易伙伴,而法国又是欧盟的核心成员,法国独有的私人工商企业体制与民族文化环境,形成了拉丁会计的稳健与保守的会计模式。